Why Are My Ears Ringing, and What is Tinnitus?
The condition known as Tinnitus, or “ringing in the ears,” can take on several forms. A common form sounds like high-toned ringing that overlays your regular hearing. Tinnitus can also result in a whooshing noise in your ears, or is sometimes even described as a roar. Some people say they hear an annoying chirping sound or buzz. Whatever form of Tinnitus is experienced, these extra “sounds” in your ears can be frustrating to deal with in daily life. Tinnitus is defined as a sound heard inside the ears or head that is not present in the surrounding environment.
Many people first experience Tinnitus as a temporary surge of ringing in the ears after attending a noisy event such as a rock concert or auto race. These symptoms resemble long-term Tinnitus and might last a few hours to even a couple days. The ringing in your ears that results from exposure to loud or sudden noise is actually a warning sign that your hearing could have been damaged in some way.
It’s important to keep in mind that Tinnitus is not always caused by exposure to loud noise. Equally as important to understand is that the condition isn’t necessarily always associated with permanent hearing loss. There may be multiple factors contributing to the condition known as Tinnitus, but rest assured, you’re far from alone in your experience.

What Causes Tinnitus?
You might be surprised to learn that Tinnitus is often a symptom of your brain working overtime. Your ears might be ringing due to:
- A physical or even emotional condition, especially stress
- An underlying hearing loss condition resulting from persistent, frequently occurring Tinnitus
- An issue in the middle ear such as wax build up or fluid
- Underlying hearing loss
- Certain medication
Tinnitus due to hearing loss is thought to occur when your mind is trying to make up the difference for a reduced ability to hear. Your brain tries to compensate for reduced hearing capacity by turning up the volume in other ways. This is a subtle process, a bit like the static or hissing noise made by a stereo system when electrical feedback is coming through the wires to the speakers. If the feedback gets too loud, it can overwhelm your ability to concentrate.
For any hearing concerns, Tinnitus or otherwise, it’s imperative you visit your doctor or local hearing healthcare professional to determine any physical or emotional factors that could be contributing to your condition.
While tinnitus is as varied as its causes, it can be grouped into tonal and non-tonal tinnitus. Tonal tinnitus is more common and describes the perception of a near-continuous sound or overlapping sounds with a well-defined frequency, e. g. whistling, ringing, buzzing. Non-tonal forms of tinnitus include humming, clicking, crackling and rumbling.
Strategies, Optimum Results
Static noise tinnitus therapy and ocean wave tinnitus therapy cover up the disturbing tinnitus sounds with individually tuned therapy signals which divert attention away from the tinnitus and thereby reduce its impact. As a result, you can relax and concentrate on what you want to hear.